Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Options, options, options

(Source: GWWO Architects)

In the image above are two options that the community explored for improved site circulation and parking.  These options provide a separate parent drop-off loop and bus loop in front of the building where there is currently only a bus loop with a handful of parking spaces.  A poll question will ask which option is preferred.  The bus loop in option A has one curb cut and the bus loop in option B has tow curb cuts. 

In either case, how could technology be utilized?  My thought is to provide sensors in busses and cars that indicate to the school staff when a particular vehicle such as the "blue bus" or "student x's mother" has arrived.  This would improve upon the existing paper signs in the windows of cars and busses whereby an arriving vehicle may prompt a walkie-talkie communication from one staff person to another to communication over the public address system to inform a particular teacher.
(Source: GWWO Architects)

These options show a couple of options for a proposed new Media Center (library) inside the new school building.  The location is on the first floor at the front far left corner, if you are standing facing the front of the building. The location within the building is good for community use for meetings and events because this corner of the building could be opened for after hours use without needing to unlock the entire facility.

In either option, there are opportunities to explore new technologies such as interactive tables to enhance the educational experience. What other new technologies might we explore?

(Source: GWWO Architects)
Here is a third example: mulched and paved play area options.  In the upper rendering, the play areas are all grouped together which is optimal for supervision, however there needs to be a long ramp to reach the softball and soccer fields on the lower terrace level.  In the lower rendering, the basketball courts are spread further away from the gymnasium.

Another technology I would like to explore is the use of electronic play systems, which have been utilized at Woodlin Elementary School and at a county playground adjacent to Jackson Road Elementary School.

I am looking forward to engaging with the community around these topics.

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